CBD Capsules vs. Oil: Which One Is Better?

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When doing research on which CBD product to buy, you will come across a wide variety of CBD forms, each of which has some benefits and drawbacks. Making your way through all sorts of CBD gels, gummies, ointments, creams, and e-liquids, and getting to CBD oil and capsules, you may start wondering how are they different? Why should you better buy CBD capsules vs. oil or, vice versa, why should you prefer CBD oil vs. capsules? 

This article will explain the benefits and drawbacks of the two and, hopefully, will make your choice a bit easier.

CBD Pills vs. Oil. What Are They?

CBD oil may be called a traditional and classic form of CBD. It is an extract derived from hemp, which is usually free of any additives and, therefore, represents the most natural version of CBD you can get. CBD oil is supplied in bottles with droppers, so you can regulate the amount of CBD you take by simply changing the amount of oil you ingest per serving. The best quality CBD oil tincture is extracted using the CO2 method, which allows preserving maximum CBD and other cannabinoids present in cannabis (except for THC). 

There are three types of CBD oil available for purchase. Full-spectrum, which contains maximum terpenes and cannabinoids beneficial for your health but also has some THC – the euphoria-producing compound. The law limits the concentrations of THC in full-spectrum hemp oil to 0.2%. Another type of CBD oil is broad-spectrum, which is similar in characteristics to the one mentioned above but differs in THC concentrations. Broad-spectrum oil contains only traces of THC. Finally, you can come across CBD oil isolate – a product containing CBD only.

CBD caps are much the same as CBD oil, with the only difference being that they are much more convenient to take. They are softgels, which means their shell is made from gelatin, and their content looks like gel or oil.  CBD capsules vs. tincture are produced in two types only. They can be either isolated or full-spectrum. The extraction of CBD for pills is no different from that applied for tinctures. However, the capsules often contain additives, like hemp seeds oil, and coconut oil to promote better absorption of CBD from the gastric tract.

CBD Oil vs. Capsules. The Benefits

As for the specific benefits of CBD pills vs. oil, they are a bit different. Among the key benefits of CBD oil is the possibility to change the dose per unit without the need to buy another bottle with a different potency. Just take smaller amounts of oil whenever you want to get a milder effect or increase it to feel the need for a more pronounced action of CBD oil. 

The oil is considered the best when it comes to the speed of onset of its effects. Due to the possibility to take it sublingually (keep it under the tongue), CBD gets into the flood flow almost immediately, which results in a faster onset of its action. 

Speaking about the capsules, they are great in terms of the convenience of their use. You can ingest one in a public place without attracting much attention, which is almost inescapable with oil. Besides, due to the CBD oil being inserted into a tasteless capsule, you won’t feel the specific smell and taste of CBD oil. Finally, CBD capsules are better while on travel as you won’t have trouble taking them on board a plane.

CBD Oils vs. Capsules. The Drawbacks

Any person choosing between CBD capsules vs. oil needs to know what they have to compromise to make a purchase they won’t regret. The drawbacks of CBD oil tincture vs. capsules are insignificant, yet they may play a role for some people. Let’s start with the softgels:

  • The time required for CBD capsules to start working is a bit lengthier than with the oil due to the difference in the modes of their intake. Capsules need time to be broken down in the gastric tract, so their content will be absorbed into the blood flow within 20 – 30 minutes, while with CBD oil, this process takes some minutes.
  • Some additives in CBD caps, like coconut oil, may cause allergic reactions or other unwanted symptoms. So, when buying the capsules, you have to be more attentive reading through the composition of the supplement.
  • You can’t slightly change the dosing of CBD capsules like it is possible with the oil. To get a lower dose, you’ll have to order another pack of CBD pills.

Now let’s get down to the CBD oil drawbacks:

  • The taste of unflavored CBD oil is sometimes described as earthy, which may become a problem for some people. The smell of the supplement is similar to the taste, so if you are sensitive to such things and can’t handle this, you’d better use the capsules vs. oil.
  • CBD oil vs. capsules is not very convenient to take along and use on the go as it may result in spilling the oil and getting the need to change your clothes.
  • CBD oil may cause problems when travelling by plane.

The comparison of CBD pills vs. oil shows there is no difference in their efficacy, but there is some in how fast they come into effect. Yet the key differences between the two are in the convenience of their use, so it’s only up to you to decide which one is better.

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